Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An Anchor For My Soul!

Thank you for showing up at our first meeting for the Hebrews study!

Why were so many of you present this week?  We have a million other things we could be doing, typically ARE doing....We do the things and invest time when we think it will improve our lives or make us feel better..either for this moment or for a long term. From watching our favorite show, marry that guy, buying that latte, work out or call a friend for advice, take a class, go to a're here in bible study. That speaks to the fact that we know inherently that going to Him makes me better.  As women we are in CONSTANT pursuit to improve ourselves and our lives... it is so exhausting! 
For me, This pursuit of improving myself would include getting rid of discomfort and trying to get comfortable. Pain out, comfort in. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be rid of pain or discomfort unless it drives me into a place of control or fear, anxiety, obsessiveness, insecurity or medicating or drinking.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stubborn Righteousness

During the 4th quarter of the Seahawks game yesterday I ran over to listen to Pastor Scotty Kessler (General  Kess) teach on David and Goliath. So worth it! Two things really stuck with me and I want to share w you my sistas:

David's bouts w the lion and bear in his past prepared him for his victory w the giant Goliath in his future ......DON'T DESPISE YOUR CURRENT STRUGGLE!

The second thing that I thought was profound was his statement on living in and holding on to STUBBORN RIGHTEOUSNESS.....he quoted Job 13:15 "Though He slay me, yet will I serve Him" and he quoted Daniels three friends being thrown in the fiery furnace for their faith:
Daniel 3:17-18 "If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up."

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year Bible Studies!

Welcome to our 2014 Bible Studies!
And welcome to our new blog.  This is a way for us to come together to review notes from our bible studies, get updates and share God's word with others in our community.

I'm hoping you are all well and rested and ready to get back together studying Gods Word. I had a very relaxing time with my family and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of vacation. We took long walks, slept in, played with babies, enjoyed Gabriel being home, went to coffee, shopped, ate and of course got to go to church together as a family.

After careful deliberation and prayer, we have chosen our next study....drum roll please! 
We are studying the book of Hebrews! This is an amazing study led by an amazing sister in Christ, Lisa Harper. It will be fun to be in the New Testament again and to study it with such a fun and learned sister in Christ. Several of us had the opportunity to see Lisa in person at the SHE event last spring in Tacoma.  We are all in for a treat. Check out the trailer below.
Come for the Intro and Mexican Fiesta Dinner!

 Monday Jan 27th  6:30-8:30 pm 

The Weatherly Inn
6016 N Highlands Pkwy, Tacoma
Floor 3 The Gathering room

Morning study will also feature Hebrews with Lisa Harper. Come to the intro/brunch

 Tuesday Jan 28th 9:30-11:30 am 

Connie and Dave Resinger's home 
8812 52nd Street Ct W
University Place 98467

Both groups will meet for 8 weeks (with a break over presidents week Feb 17-18)
Books are available at the intro sessions- $18

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Please Pray For Your Bible Study Leader Chicks

We are incredibly blessed to have all of our leaders back plus one new one, Gabby! What a group of wonderful loving servants the Lord has given to minister to us all!!! Please be praying for them and show them your love and support as they put their whole hearts into leading and caring for their groups and still have very busy lives with school, work, and families to care for. 

Afton Abraham
Prayer and Gods word is the most important priority in my life! He made us and knows how we work and He is infallible. I feel like leading a group is a step of faith for me and I'm stepping up. All I have to do is show up and He works! Jesus has saved all 9 of my kids into a personal relationship with Himself. My legacy is changing to become a beautiful masterpiece of God's grace and I want to help other women experience the same for their families!

Connie Resinger
My name is Connie and I am beyond blessed to be married to my high school sweetheart, Dave. We are celebrating 20 years this April and have loved serving in full time ministry for 19 of those years!  We currently are the Pastors of Life Center South, and amazing opportunity God has given us to truly live out our passion to LOVE people.  I am a proud mother of three beautiful children, Isaiah (15), Caleb (12) and Abigail (8).  I love being a mom and am in constant pursuit of filling myself more and more with Christ's love in order to train them in His way. Bible studies like this have always been a huge passion of mine. I love to see Jesus lovers connect with each other in relationship and in His word. The strength and encouragement that come from Christ centered relationships is irreplaceable!  I look forward to another beautiful year with my "Sistas" and the word of God!

Gabby Joyce
I am Gabby Joyce.  I work for a corporation and am also attending school at Northwest University. I was 27 when I first became a Jesus person and for the past 7 years have experienced His joy and transformation. I recently completed a course on the Old Testament that made me love God and His plan for our salvation even more and I'm so excited to see what He will do through our study time together. 

Julee Dilley
Jesus grabbed my heart many years ago and gave me great fervor for studying His word!  I have enjoyed many bible studies over the last 20 years but this group has touched me like no other.  Keely’s Holy Spirit inspired messages each week and a beautiful group of sisters-in-Christ add to my life greatly.  I am excited to dive into another study and meet new friends!  One of my favorite verses is “Draw closer to me and I will draw closer to you.” James 4:8   As I have spent more time with Jesus, HE has truly drawn closer to me and become my best friend.  There is no one that has loved me more and unconditionally, listened better, understood me, not judged, given advice, provides all my needs, and will never reject or leave me!  I love Jesus!  I am blessed with an amazing husband, Colin, for 22 years and we are raising four children. I love being a mom!

Rhonda Prigg
I was raised in the Deep South all my life so I have always been in church. I struggled to be the good Christian girl that was expected of me.... But I really wanted to LIVE! I wanted to have fun, and I thought being a Christian meant being perfect, which I knew from a very early age I wasn't... So I started to compartmentalize my relationships... Christian "churchy" friends, "party" friends..I struggled with trying to, in my own strength be just a better version of myself.
 It wasn't until I gave birth to my son Noah Luke, who was born with special needs... that I became a Jesus girl...
  The Lord loves me so much he allowed me to be sifted like wheat... Broken to the core, and brought to the brink! I decided to choose Him and trust Him... My life has never been the same.
I have learned so much... I believe my brokenness, honesty, and desperation for the King allows others to be honest in their own pain, and I praise HIM for this.
I have been married to my husband Jeremy Prigg for 14 years...which is a miracle. And we have another son named Joshua who is 5. I praise The Lord for all He has done and all he continues to do, and look forward to leading my "girls" in this amazing study on Hebrews this winter.

Melissa Rodriguez
My name is Melissa, but my friends call me Mel. I am a business owner, a mother of two amazing daughters, and married to my best friend T.J. Choosing to be part of bible study and pursuing a close personal relationship with Jesus has changed every aspect of my life!  I am forgiven, I am free and I am loved!  Jesus is my Savior! I am blessed.

Kelsie Bahr
I'm Kelsie Bahr. I have been married for seven years to Jason and I'm a mother to baby Noah (17 months). I love the healing power of The Word, the community of women in this  Bible study, and friends at my church, Life Center South where I am privileged to help lead worship.

Sarah Villahermosa
I love Jesus and am so grateful for the life He has gifted me with. I'm married to my awesome husband, Miguel. Together we are in ministry at our church (Life Center South). We have two sons, Miguel (#3) and Moses and a crazy/overly friendly dog,Tucker. I am passionate about genuine and authentic friendships, getting a good workout at the gym and spending quality time with my family. I can't wait to see how God is going to use this Bible study in my life this upcoming year. It has been amazing to see how much digging deeper and deeper into scripture has CHANGED my life, even in some of the most mundane areas. God truly does speak into every part of our lives if we allow Him to!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome Baby Moses Villahermosa

Our family is pretty thrilled to have a beautiful new baby boy. Moses Villahermosa was born the day before Thanksgiving to my son Miguel Jr and his wife Sarah.  Sarah and Moses, Daddy Miguel and big brother Miguel are doing awesome and I'm hoping she will bring the baby to intro nite!