Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Heart ....Mouth...Eyes, Repeat

Weirdest thing!  I was looking over my journal for this date last year and look what I found!  I've been praying with a lot of women lately who are wondering why they're feeling and talking and seeing from the negative....struggling to find joy. 

Prov 4…23.  Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth And put devious speech far from you. 25Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.…
Look at the sequence in the above 3 verses. 
Heart, mouth, eyes....repeat, heart mouth eyes..❤
What I feel and think in my heart comes out of my mouth. And then the words of my mouth effect my seeing and my lens. If my heart goes south, my mouth eventually goes south and then all I see is from that negative southern lens.  I begin to only see what is not good and pure and right and holy and of good report (Phil 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9What you have learned and  w received and heard and seen  x in me—practice these things, and  y the God of peace will be with you.) 
I begin to see with eyes that perceive only the things and feelings and attitudes of this world and the standpoint of my natural vision. I don't have heavenly perspective anymore. 

What can I do? 
According to Proverbs, let's start w the heart. Pouring out my heart with all of its fears and insecurities and judgements and criticisms ...all of it, to God. He can handle it!  He can sift it. He can comfort me and cause me to know that He is in control of my out of control world or circumstances. He puts his mantle of peace on me like a blue blankie (my 2 yr old grandsons favorite at nap time). Then I can see which thoughts and feelings are creating negativity to gush from my lips. I can take every thought captive and see which ones are not lining up with Jesus. 

My next focus is to guard my lips and give special attention to the words coming out from between them. These words reveal my heart and effect my eyesight.  I can turn the negativity to gratitude and praise and stay in conversation with God. 

Then, when my heart is comforted and peaceful and my mouth is not spewing, I can ask for a pure lens to see from Gods perspective and with His eyes I can see from an "on earth as it is in heaven" vision on the world around me. 

Heart....mouth....eyes....repeat.  ❤

Living on assignment

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