Sunday, February 16, 2014

Am I Living the Rules or Loving the Rule-less?

The first few questions in our homework on page 18 were all about fitting in or not fitting in and feeling like an outcast socially. Interesting questions. When discussing this with a few friends over a coffee at Starbucks it kind of came down to what I choose "not" to engage in or do in relation to my friends and people I'm socializing with that causes me to feel left out or like I don't fit in. I've been mulling on that whole thought for a week now. Something about it has been bugging me and I think it hit me while in the shower a few days ago.

Being known for what I don't do is not the goal. Being  wanted at events because others only feel the love and acceptance of Jesus, from me is the goal. Like Jesus, the lost and hurting sought him out. It was only the religious law keepers that rejected Him.
If I'm being rejected maybe it's time to ask myself what am I giving off....judgement, criticism, a "holier the thou" attitude or a heart of love and acceptance?

There's one other problem that arises from my list of things I "don't do"...PRIDE.  I can end up following the law as opposed to following the spirit of life and love. 
So my first point: It's not what I don't do that honors the Lord and acts as a beacon, it is the love I live and give out to those around me that attracts others to Jesus. 
(Matthew 22:37-40)
And He said to him, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND." This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.
Am I living the rules or loving the rule-less? 
People aren't open to Jesus because I live a good life...but because I love them well as He loves me.  Personally, sacrificially. Remember that saying  "people don't care what u know until they know that u care". We must remember, our behavior is not on display, His love is...
 John 13:35 (NLT)   "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
 Now the harder part....


I had a situation with an individual where we had a falling out decades ago. I tried to bring about peace and forgiveness at the time, but they weren't open to it or ready at the time. So I left it alone and went on with my life. Now all these years later I see this individual in a place where I frequent. When seeing each other we acted like we didn't know each other. Awkward! 

Later, at home I talked to The Lord about it because I just felt uncomfortable with the way I had acted toward this fellow believer in Christ. "This should not be," I thought. I started to dialogue with Him about what He would have me do. Then I heard this whisper in my heart, "Bless your enemy, do good to those who hurt you, bless those who use you" hmmm? Ok, so you want me to pray for them?

What is an enemy for me? Enemy(def: actively opposed or hostile to someone)is such a strong word that I don't tend to think of sweet old me as having any enemies. But, I suppose, someone who would rather not look at me. Someone who thinks poorly of me. Someone who would rather not be around me. Yep, this is an enemy. I hate to admit it but this person falls into the "enemy" category.
(Matt 5:44)
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" 
(Philippians 2:3 (NLT)
"Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves." (Even someone who thinks poorly of me) 
We really do like those who like us. It's so true...I'm drawn to those I know love me. It's easy to love them. A pleasure, really.
(Luke 6:32)
"If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners (unbelievers) love those who love them!"
 It takes supernatural love to love those who don't even like me. It takes Christ in me pouring His love into my heart and speaking to me of opportunities to act where my enemies are concerned.
(Romans 5:5)
"For God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us."
 So I began to ask, " What do you want Abba?" I felt His still quiet whisper in my heart, " I want you to bless actively and give til it hurts. I want you to give every time you frequent that place, leave a gift, anonymously. Huh?  This is how God wants us to love! Extravagantly! I am to give, oblivious to the love I receive in return. He wants me to love from the places it costs me the most. Now to live out the practical "How" of this command to love those who dislike us:

My money
My mouth
My moments

How do I love the unlovely with my money? Bless and give.  How do I love the unlovely with my words?  Bless and not curse.  How do I love the unlovely with my moments?  Bless and pray for them or give acts of loving service. All three of these commodities are near and dear to my heart. My money, my mouth and my moments are really the biggest portion of my life.
When I start to move out of these areas from a place of love, then I can begin to see God using me in his plan!

We all want to be used by God in greater ways. I think this is one of the kingdom keys to unlock the door of maturity as a Believer and of being used to bring love "on earth as it is in heaven". 
Let's make a shift in how we spend our money our mouth and our moments and watch the miracles we partner in with God for our world and His kingdom! 
Instead of trying to show holy behavior to the lost and thinking that will turn their heart toward Jesus, lets show Holy Spirit love and kindness and grace.... the same kind He shows us every day. Who is the Holy Spirit putting on your mind? What would He have you to do? You cannot do this in your own strength but in His.  All He needs is a willingness in me.

Let's pray together:
Jesus this command to love one another is tough. But the command to love those who don't even like me, is impossible.  I know that now. I am asking for you to pour your love into my heart right this moment. Give me the power to love the unlovable. You said that you would and I believe you. I will begin to move forward as you show me step by step how.

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